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Natchitoches offers a variety of cuisine to fit everyone's taste. 


  • Listed below are our preferred locations.
    For a complete list of the area's Bed & Breakfasts, visit or call 800-259-1714.
  • Elizabeth Lane Guest House
    228 Henry Ave. Natchitoches, LA 409-489-9010 (7) Facebook
  • Jefferson House Bed and Breakfast
    229 rue Jefferson Natchitoches, LA 318-352-5834866-254-7279
  • Queen Anne Bed & Breakfast
    125 Pine Street Natchitoches, LA 800-441-8343 Amazing Breakfast | Natchitoches | Queen Anne B&B (
  • Samuel Guy House Bed & Breakfast
    309 Pine Street Natchitoches, LA 318-354-1080 800-984-1080 Home Page - Samuel Guy House
  • Steamboat House Bed and Breakfast
    200 Jefferson Street Natchitoches, LA 303-895-6011 Welcome Aboard the Steamboat House - Houses for Rent in Natchitoches, Louisiana, United States - Airbnb
  • Listed below are our preferred locations.
    For a complete list of the area's dining options, visit or call 800-259-1714.
  • Mayeaux's Nakatosh Deli & Pub
    584 Front Street Suite 103 Natchitoches, LA 318-228-8006 (7) Facebook
  • Grayson's Barbeque
    5849 Highway 71 Clarence, LA 318-357-0166
  • Hana Japanese Sushi Bar and Grill
    750 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-356-0989
  • Lasyone's Meat Pie Kitchen and Restaurant
    622 Second Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-3353
  • Mama's Oyster House
    608 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-356-7874
  • Mariner's Restaurant
    5948 LA-1 Natchitoches, LA Located on Sibley Lake 318-357-1220
  • Mayeaux's Steak and Seafood
    512 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-521-8080
  • Merci Beaucoup Restaurant
    127 Church Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-6634
  • Papa's Bar & Grill
    604 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-356-5850
  • Pioneer Restaurant & Pub
    812 Washington Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-4884
  • Sweet Fruit Delights
    628 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-5910
  • Storybrew Coffee Cafe
    780 Front Street Ste. 704 Natchitoches, LA. 71457 (318) 214-2387
  • Trail Boss Steakhouse
    301 Hwy 1 South Natchitoches, LA 318-352-2080
  • Listed below are our preferred locations.
    For a complete list of the area's attrractions, visit or call 800-259-1714.
  • Cane River Queen River Boat
    504 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-663-7787
  • Fort St. Jean Baptiste
    155 rue Jefferson Natchitoches, LA 318-357-3101
  • Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame and Northwest Louisiana History Museum
    800 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-357-2492
  • Natchitoches Carriage Company
    102 rue Beauport Natchitoches, LA 601.807.9086
  • When is the Natchitoches Christmas Festival?
    The Natchitoches Christmas Season is November 23, 2024 through January 6, 2025. Christmas Festival Day is Saturday, December 7, 2024.
  • How much are armbands for the Christmas Festival?
    $15. Children 6 and under are free. Admission is only charged on select Saturdays throughout the Season: November 23rd & 30th and December 7th, 14th & 21st. There is no admission to enter the Riverbank area Sunday through Friday.
  • Where can I purchase armbands in advance?
    CLICK HERE to purchase armbands online.
  • Listed below are our preferred locations.
    For a complete list of the area's attrractions, visit or call 800-259-1714.
  • BOM - Washington Street
    814 Washington Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-3060 For other locations, please check their website.
  • City Bank - Saint Denis Street
    146 Saint Denis Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-4416 For other locations, please check their website.
  • City Barbershop
    504 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-9500
  • Exchange Bank - Front Street
    700 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-8141 For other locations, please check their website.
  • Magnolia Spa & Wellness
    131 Touline Street Natchitoches, LA 318-238-2843
  • Sabine State Bank - Front Street
    780 Front Street Natchitoches, LA For other locations, please check their website.
  • What time can I put down a tarp on the Riverbank on Festival Day?
    NO RESERVED TARPS WILL BE SOLD! On the North & South side of the bridge, there is NO CHARGE to place a tarp in this area. However, tarps CAN NOT be placed until 5:30am on Saturday, December 7, 2024. Spots are on a first-come, first-serve basis. You must provide your own tarp or blanket. Two gates will open at 5:30am —the Church Street and the Church Street Bridge gate (Williams Avenue side) to walking traffic only.
  • Is there reserved seating?
    No. Refer to answer above for information on tarp placement on Festival Day.
  • Will seating be available in the Amphitheatre?
    Yes! Seating will be available in the Amphitheater, but no chairs will be allowed on the steps. Standing on the steps will also be prohibited.
  • Listed below are our preferred locations.
    For a complete list of the area's shops, visit or call 800-259-1714.
  • Brenda's Clothing & Accessories
    584 Front Street Suite 104 Natchitoches, LA 318-356-0422
  • Brick & Row Merci Beaucoup
    107 Church Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-6624
  • Cane River Gallery
    558 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-0034
  • Easton & Co.
    502 Front Street Natchitoches, LA. 71457 (318) 238-3176
  • Cane River Kitchenware
    732 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-238-3600
  • Georgia's Gift Shop
    626 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-5833
  • Gift's Galore & More
    113 rue St. Denis Natchitoches, LA 318-352-3831
  • Hall Tree
    600 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-4177
  • Hello Dolly
    520 Front Street Natchitoches, LA. 71457 (318) 352-5828
  • Kaffie-Frederick General Mercantile
    758 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-2525
  • Louisiana Purchase
    550 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-0117
  • Natchitoches Art Guild and Gallery
    584 Front Street Suite 102 Natchitoches, LA 318-352-1626
  • Olivier Woodworks
    117 Second Street Natchitoches, LA (318) 352-1427
  • Pied a Terre
    746 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-238-4373
  • Plantation Treasures
    720 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 318-352-1714
  • Pretty in Pink Boutique
    105 Church Street Ste. B Natchitoches, LA 71457 (318) 451-2416
  • Simply Chic Boutique
    516 Front Street Natchitoches, LA. 71457 (318) 521-8009
  • What time are the Fireworks? Are the lights on?
    "Turn on the Holidays" is November 23, 2024. The Lights are turned on followed immediately by Fireworks at 7:00pm sharp. Lights come on at dusk daily starting November 23, 2024 through January 6, 2025. FESTIVAL DAY, December 7, 2024, fireworks are at 6pm. All other weekends (November 30th, December 14th, December 21st & December 28th) fireworks are at 7:00pm.
  • When are the Lights turned on for the first time during the Season?
    November 18, 2023 during the “Turn on the Holidays” event at 7:00pm.
  • What time does the Parade start?
    The Parade will start at 1:00pm on December 7th at the corner of Jefferson and University Parkway.
  • Is it too late to enter the Parade?
    Parade application are typically released in September with a mid-October deadline. Applications are located under the information tab on
  • Can I ride or walk with my child’s group?
    No, only those with a walker’s permit will be allowed to accompany the groups.
  • Can you tell me where our float will be?
    Directions to your designated lineup will be emailed to the group leader. Contact your group leader.
  • Can you help us find a driver for the Parade?
    No, you are responsible for your own driver.
  • Can you help us secure a vehicle for the Parade?
    No, you are responsible for your own vehicle.
  • Who is the Grand Marshal?
  • Which streets will be closed on Christmas Festival Day?
    At 5:00am, barricades in the downtown area go up, including the Church Street Bridge. At 5:30am, the gate entrances at Church Street and Williams Avenue will be open and armbands can be purchased at this location. At 6:00am, Jefferson Street from Amulet Street to Touline will CLOSE to vehicle traffic. At 6:00am, Washington Street from Texas Street to Lafayette Street will CLOSE to vehicle traffic. At 6:30am, all other gates will be open for access to downtown and armbands will be on sale. At 11:00am, Second Street from University Parkway to Lafayette Street will CLOSE to vehicular traffic. At 11:00am, University Parkway from Jefferson Street to Second Street will CLOSE for parade line up. At 11:00am, the Pine Street/Keyser Avenue Bridge will close to vehicular traffic and all parade route barricades from University Parkway north to Lafayette Street will go up for the parade which begins at 1:00pm. At 11:00am, eastbound traffic on University Parkway will be stopped at Boyd Street and westbound traffic on Mill Street will be stopped at Airport Road beginning at 11:00am. At 5:30pm, the Church Street Bridge will CLOSE to foot traffic for firework preparations. At 5:30pm, barricades on Williams Avenue north of Henry Avenue to St. Maurice Lane and the intersections of East Second Street with Stephens Avenue, St. Clair Avenue, Whitfield Drive, Sirod Street, and Adelaide Street will go in place. No public parking is allowed on the streets mentioned above beginning at 10:00am on Festival Day. After the parade has ended and foot traffic allows, Jefferson Street and Second Street will open from Amulet Street south to University Parkway.
  • What time does the bridge close on Christmas Festival Day?
    Church Street Bridge closes at 5:00am to vehicle traffic and at 5:30pm to foot traffic. Pine Street/Keyser Avenue Bridge closes at 11:00pm for vehicle traffic, but will reopen after the Parade which starts at 1:00pm. Subsequent weekends – Church Street Bridge closes at 6:30pm to vehicle and foot traffic for all other weekends and will reopen about an hour after the Fireworks Show.
  • Is Front Street closed other weekends during the Christmas Season?
    Yes. Front Street will be closed to vehicular traffic on Saturdays during the Season.
  • What streets will be one-way on Festival Day?
    Third Street – From Church Street northbound to Texas Street Church Street – From Third Street westbound to Fifth Street. Fourth Street – From Texas Street southbound to Church Street Fairgrounds Road – From Rapides Drive westbound to Hwy 1 Bypass.
  • Information is subject to change.
    Should you have any questions, please call 318-357-3822. All spaces in the downtown area are for self-contained units only.
  • Grand Ecore RV Park
    1071 Tauzin Island Road Natchitoches, LA 318-238-7446 Grand Ecore RV Park is a short 6 minute drive from Downtown. Year round reservations are available.
  • Corner lot of Church Street & Third Street
    One street over from the parade route. First come first serve RV parking.
  • Corner of Keyser Avenue and Williams Avenue
    Reservations are ONLY good for Festival weekend, December 3rd. Self-contained RVs only. Call Tommy Steel at 318-527-9952 or at 318-352-6044.
  • First Baptist Church
    508 Second Street Auto parking ONLY
  • First United Methodist Church
    RV Parking info is pending for 2024.
  • Where can I park my car, RV, mobile homes or bus on Christmas Festival weekend?"
    CLICK HERE for the list of reserved parking lots. All vehicles must obey posted parking signs. On December 7, 2024 beginning at 10:00am, no public parking is allowed in the first block of Williams Avenue to East Second Street including the following streets: St. Maurice, Adelaide Street, Sirod Street, Whitfield Drive, St. Clair Avenue, Stephens Avenue and Henry Avenue. No chairs may be set up in this area as well. No cars are allowed on the Riverbank on Saturdays due to Fireworks and Children’s Activities.
  • Is there any Handicap Parking?
    Most parking lots are on level ground and sidewalks are handicap accessible. For Festival Day ONLY, designated Handicap Parking will be located in the City Hall Parking Lot at 700 Second Street. This lot must be entered from St. Denis Street. ONLY vehicles with a handicap mirror tag or license plate will be allowed to park in the lot. Attendant will be on site.
  • Can I use a golf cart or ATV?
    No, golf carts and ATVs are not allowed. Children may ride in strollers and small wagons. For safety reasons, children scooters, roller blades or skate boards will NOT be allowed downtown on Saturdays during Festival Season.
  • Are food vendors open during the week on the Riverbank?
    Food vendors are open on the Riverbank daily beginning Saturday, November 23, 2024 through January 6, 2025.
  • What methods of payments do the food and merchandise vendors accept?
    All Festival vendors inside the gated area will require green tickets to purchase food and/or merchandise. Green tickets may be purchased from all ticket booth locations as well as at automated ticket machines located on the Riverbank. Green ticket machines take $1’s, $5’s, $10’s or $20’s. An ATM is located on the Riverbank underneath the Church Street Bridge.
  • How do I become a vendor?
    Anyone interested in becoming a food vendor for Christmas Festival weekend, December 6th-7th, please call the Main Street office at 318-357-3822. Food vendors are defined as those who prepare\cook food on site. Vendors with pre-packaged food will not be considered. For arts and crafts booth information, please call the Women’s Resource Center – 318-357-8888. Arts and Crafts spots are for Festival Day only, December 7th. **Please note Festival weekend is the only time open applications are taken for both Food and Arts\Crafts vendors.
  • Can I set up on Second Street and sell items?
    No, only Festival-approved vendors can set up to sell items and\or food.
  • Can I bring my pet with me to the Festival?
    No pets of any kind (cats, dogs, reptiles, farm animals) are allowed downtown on Saturdays during Festival Season. Anyone with a pet on the Riverbank or downtown during the Festival will be asked to leave. Only service or assistant dogs for those with special needs ARE allowed. Owner must present appropriate credentials upon entering downtown riverbank.
  • Can we bring coolers on Christmas Festival day?
  • Can we bring lawn chairs or folding chairs?
    YES. However, chairs cannot block sidewalks or public right of ways. No areas may be roped off for chairs at any time. Any unattended chairs will be removed. Chairs may not be placed in the Fireworks Safety Zone. Chairs are also not allowed in the Amphitheater on the Riverbank.
  • Can I pass out flyers promoting my business?
  • Will there be a mass at Immaculate Conception Church?
    Please contact the church administrator for scheduled church services at 318-352-3422.
  • Where will there be information about cancelation or rescheduling, should the weather get bad?"
    Rain, shine, sleet, ice or snow, the Christmas Festival will go on. We will notify the local media of any major cancellations or changes. Follow us on Facebook at Natchitoches Christmas. Any such announcements will be made from the stage on the Riverbank for those already in the downtown area.
  • What time is Kids’ Fest each weekend?
    Friday (3:00pm-9:00pm) and Saturday (10:00am-9:00pm) starting Saturday, November 23rd through Saturday, December 28th. Includes inflatables of all types, swings, bungee trampoline and more with the exception of December 7th . (NO KIDS FEST ON FESTIVAL WEEKEND).
  • When is the Santa House open?
    Santa Claus will be at the Santa House nightly from 6:00pm-8:30pm beginning Sunday, December 8th through Monday, December 23rd. There is no admission charge except for Saturdays when an armband is required to access the Riverbank area.
  • Who is the Entertainment and what are the times bands play?
    Please refer to our schedule for infomation on scheduled entertainment.
  • Where can I purchase a T-Shirt?
    Georgia’s Gift Shop, Gift’s Galore, The Hall Tree, Kaffie-Frederick General Mercantile, Louisiana Purchase and Posey’s Sports Center in Natchitoches.
  • How much are T-Shirts?
    Please contact the above listed vendors for pricing.
  • What are the sizes of the T-Shirts?
    Adult - S, M, LG, XL, XXL, XXXL Youth - XS, S, M, L
  • Where can I purchase the Christmas Festival poster?
    Posters are on sale for $35 each and miniature versions of the poster are sold for $3 each. They can be purchased at Cane River Gallery and Georgia’s Gifts downtown on Front Street, or at the Office of Community Development. For more information call the Office of Community Development at 318-357-3838.
  • Are the shops on Front Street open?
    Most shops on Front Street are open from 10:00am-6:00pm during the month of December.
  • Are there other events on the Riverbank during the week other than the Lights?
    YES, CLICK HEREfor a complete Christmas Season Schedule.
  • Listed below are our preferred locations.
    To make reservations during the Christmas Season, you should call the local numbers. For a complete list of the areas Hotels/Motels, please visit or call 800-259-1714.
  • Best Western Natchitoches Inn
    5131 University Parkway Natchitoches, LA 318-352-6655
  • Chateau Saint Denis Hotel - Downtown
    751 Second Street Natchitoches, LA 318-951-4105
  • Church Street Inn - Downtown
    120 Church Street Natchitoches, LA 318-238-8888
  • Comfort Suites Natchitoches
    151 Hayes Avenue Natchitoches, LA 318-228-8816
  • Days Inn Natchitoches
    5135 University Parkway Natchitoches, LA 318-352-0783
  • Econo Lodge Inn & Suites
    5335 University Parkway Natchitoches, LA 318-214-0700
  • Holiday Inn Express & Suites
    5137 University Parkway Natchitoches, LA 318-354-9911
  • Super 8 Motel Natchitoches
    5821 Hwy 1 Bypass Natchitoches, LA 318-352-1700
  • Do you have a list of places to stay in Natchitoches?
    YES. Go to the Information Tab for a list of Bed and Breakfasts, Hotels/Motels and Campground/RV parking. Also, visit for a complete list of accommodations in the immediate area.
  • If all of the hotels are booked, where do I call?"
    Call local numbers for best results. Check with the Tourism Office at 800-259-1714. They keep an up-to-date list of openings.
  • Is there transportation from the hotels?
    No, we do not have shuttle services available.
  • Do you have pet friendly hotels?
    You will need to contact hotels and ask their policy on pets. Call local numbers for best results.
  • Information is subject to change.
    Should you have any questions, please call 318-357-3822.
  • November 23rd, November 30th and December 14th, December 21st, & December 28th."
    For reservations, please call 318-357-3822. Touline Street: $50 reserved parking is available for both sides of the street.
  • Christmas Festival Day - Saturday, December 7th
    Spots are available on a first-come, first-paid basis. Pay in advance to receive a parking permit. For reservations, please call 318-357-3822. Touline Street is one street over from the parade route, Front Street, and downtown Riverbank. A $150 reservation is required. You must arrive by 10:00 am and expect to stay until about 9:00 pm.
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